
If you're new to Logscape we've made the Your First Search tutorial to help you get started.

Logscape can search any data specified in your Datasources; using our Powerful Search Syntax. you have complete control over:

  • Files which are searched (Do you want to search company wide, or just by department)

  • Metrics which are received (Average stock price over the past 12 months, or the last known price)

  • How they are displayed (Pie chart showing deparment performance, or maybe a line chart for company growth)

Then, take it a step further by adding your saved searches to a Workspace, allowing you to group related searches and useful utilities. You can also use a Search as the basis of an Alert, which can fire when specific criteria are met within your search. Searches make use of tags to allow the user to add meta information to their data; so you can split your data by region, team or application to ensure you only search what you need.

More videos on the Search Videos Page

Searching is a core component of Logscape, there are many chart types to choose from to help with slicing and dicing your data. Root cause analysis and search results are provided in realtime giving immediate response to changes in your monitoring infrastructure. Learn More.