Upgrade Logscape

These instructions describe how to do a major upgrade of Logscape.

  1. Restart the System - Before beginning the re-installation process, bounce the system. After the system has restarted, check that all your Agents restarted with no problem by checking the Agents Page.

  2. Export Config - Export your config by going to the Backup Page and export everything by clicking download. The logscape-all.config file contains your entire system configuration your users and resource groups. You will need this file when restoring your system with the new upgrade.

  3. Prepare the New Installation - Shut down the manager. Copy the old Logscape folder to a backup directory. Copy any Apps from the downloads directory to a location where you can access them easily. App naming convention will be similar to:

    e.g UnixApp-1.0.zip
    Copy the boot.properties if it has any custom settings for your environment.

  4. Install the New Zip/MSI Follow the instructions on how to install the Manager here. Once you have the new Manager running again, check the Agents Page to check the status of the new agents in the new installation.

    Remember to use the correct Manager role or your Agents will not be able to find your new environment
    The system will automatically start if installed from an MSI. On Unix-like systems type
    ./logscape.sh start
    in Logscape's main directory.

  5. Import/Restore Config - On the backup page click on Import(Overwrite) to restore your system config file. This will apply your old system configuration to the new one.

  6. Reinstall Apps - On the Deploy Page upload any Apps from your old installation. See instructionshere.

  7. Check Your Installation - Go to the Agents Pageand make sure that all agents have rejoined your deployment.

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