
Every datatype that is assigned to data uses fields to extract values from an event or a line of raw log data. A regular expression pattern or the split function define what values a field may have. A synthetic field is a field that uses the value of an existing field rather than the raw incoming data. When you click on a field you will see the following dialog

  • Function- This is the default analytic used on this field on the search page
  • Visible - If this attribute is enabled, the field will be displayed in the raw events on the Search Page.
  • Summary - Summary statistics are calculated on this field on the Search page at search time
  • synth source (optional) -A synth source is another Field or Synthetic Field
  • synth expression (optional) - An expression can generate a new value or modify the value from a synth source

Synthetic Fields

A synthetic field is created by setting a field for the Synth Source and an expression for the Synth Expression. Here's a summary of how a field can be configured

Synth Expression Synth Source View
pattern,regexp REQUIRED OPTIONAL
substring,lastsubstring,split REQUIRED OPTIONAL
jep,mvel,groovy-script,groovy-geoip OPTIONAL OPTIONAL
OPTIONAL OPTIONAL heatmap-numeric, heatmap-enum

The synth expression uses different functions to create values based off other groups in the data type.

Pattern Expression - This is a regular expression that is applied to the field specified in the synth source field. See a description on the Patterns in Logscape page

Expression Evaluators - You can also use the jep or mvel expression evaluators too. They have the following syntax.

jep: memMB / totalMemory * 100
The mvel syntax is identical to mvel except that mvel supports the concatenation of strings
mvel: "http://" + url
Any variables used with mvel or jep must exist first as another field.

Text Functions -

  • substring - Returns a substring from the start text to the end text.

    substring-match: START,END
    The following text belongs to a cisco ASA log and I want to retrieve the Log Level of the error. This is the text in between the two dashes
    Use the following substring expression get the error level
    substring-match: -,-
  • lastsubstring - Follows the syntax of the substring function. It returns the last substring in the text. If you had the following url string
    and you wanted to retrieve the last path, you would use the following expression
    lastsubstring: /,/

  • split - Retrieves an item from a csv like value. It has this syntax

    If you had this value
    and you wanted to extract the surname blog you would use this expression
    The delimiter or separator is :and the position is 2


Views affect how a field value is displayed. Heatmaps are defined in the field section.
Heatmap-numeric - The example below applies a heatmap for the values between 1 and 100.

When this field is displayed in a table the cell will recieve a colour ranging from a cool to increasing warm colours.

Heatmap-enum -Text values can also be heatmapped. The example shows a heatmap for the log4j log levels.

{ "heatmap-enum": "DEBUG:white,INFO:#95F7C3,WARN:#F3DA87,ERROR:#EAA261,FATAL:#E03930", }
The syntax for the labels use this syntax.
LABEL is the text to be coloured and the COLOR can be expressed as a hex value (e.g #E03930" ), a rgb value ( e.g rgb(100,200,123) ) or as hsv