For more tutorials check out the Tutorials section.
Welcome to Logscape! When you first connect to your manager this is what you'll be greeted with.
Enter the default credentials and click sign in.
Welcome to your Logscape Home workspace, in the future we'll be able to change this workspace, but for now we're just going to do a brief run through of the Logscape UI.
Click Green Highlight, this takes you to your last active Workspace.
Since we only just logged into Logscape, our last active workspace is still the Home workspace.
Click green highlight to put the Workspace into edit mode.
This is the Open Dialog which allows you to navigate through your saved workspaces.
This is the Print Dialog which will produce printable PDF Report of the workspace in it's current stage.
Getting started simply links to the website.
This icon will create a new, blank workspace.
This is the delete function, it will permanently delete the current workspace.
This is the HTML widget, adding it to the workspace will a create a widget that contains freely editable HTML block.
This is the chart widget, charts make up the majority of your workspaces, they can either use custom searches or load previously saved ones.
This is the clock widget, adding it to a workspace will generate a clock based off current system time.
This is the Log Event widget, it will display the raw events returned by your search.
This is the Single Value Panel, it exposes a search, as well as a javascript block, allowing you to perform javascript operations on the values returned by the search.
This is the Filter Widget, any value inputted to the filter widget will be used as a workspace wide filter.
This is the JMX Attribute widget, it can connect directly to an exposed JMX port and display the returned attribute.
This is the JMX Operation widget, it can connect to an exposed JMX port and perform an operation it is pointed to.
That's enough for workspaces, Click Save or Cancel to leave edit mode.
Click green highlight to navigate to the search page.
The search page is covered in more detail in the 'Your First Search' Tutorial
Click green highlight to navigate to the User Page.
The Alert Page contains information relating to your account, as well as allowing you to directly upload data to Logscape. It is covered in more detail on
Click the green highlight to be taken to the Settings Page.
When you enter the Settings Menu you will by default arrive on the system page, this page contains information about your environment, such as uptime, licenses in use. And allows you to configure SMTP credentials.
Click Data Sources
The Datasources page allows you to manage the data sources that are being used within your environment, it'll be covered in depth during the "Your first datasource" tutorial
Click Data Types
This is the Datatypes page, it allows you configure datatypes within your environment, datatypes are used to define fields within your results which can be manipulated while searching.
Click Deployment
The deployment page allows you to add and remove files, as well as deploy apps.
Click Agents
The agents page displays detailed statistics about agents within your environment, including role, start time, IP address and CPU/memory load.
Click Users
The users page allows you to moderate users and teams as well as configure LDAP within your environment. All these topics are covered in more detail in alternate tutorials.
Click Backup
The backup page allows you export your Logscape config, or import/merge another config into your environment.
Click Alerts
The Alerting Page is used for the configuration and editting of Alerts within the Logscape environment.
Return to the Workspace Interface
Clicking the green hightlight will swap Logscape between light and dark
Click ? to be taken to the Logscape support site.
That's it. You're done.