Syncing Behaviour

When you first set up your LDAP authentication from Logscape a local copy of your ldap users are made. This is done only once, when ldap authentication is enabled.

Deleting an LDAP User -

Everytime a user logs in, Logscape checks to see if the user is still a valid member based on the LDAP configuration. If a user has been disabled or deleted Logscape will prevent the user from logging into the system. However, this users account will still exist inside of the logscape system, to remove this account, simply use the hard resync button.

Bulk changes to Users -

If there have been bulk changes made to users from the Directory Services these changes will need to be synced to take effect. On the LDAP page click on the [resync] button to update the internal user store.

Managing Changes to Users

Hard Resync

Pressing resync will result in a query to active directory, any accounts that no longer exist in active directory will be removed from your logscape installation, and any new, added.

You can test your connection details and filters by clicking on [TEST] near the bottom. After you click the test button Logscape will authenticate with the directory services using the System User and retrieve and display the first 3 users using the BaseCN, UserCN and the UserFilter if it is defined.