A table is an aggregate chart type and operates on data across on a single bucket denoted by
in the search expression.Tables are perfect for aggregating analytic results into similar groups. The data can be further enhanced with links,heatmaps and field annotations.
Type in a search. For example:
* | _type.equals(log4j) package.count()
Then select the table chart type and your search will be changed to that of a table. The search would look like this
* | _type.equals(log4j) package.count() chart(table) buckets(1)
And the chart rendered like this:
Using the 'by' function -
* | _type.equals(log4j) package.by(_host) level.by(_host) chart(table) buckets(1)
Aggregate Functions -
* | _type.equals(Unx-CPU) CPUUtilPct.max(server,) CpuUtilPct.min(server,) CpuUtilPct.avg(server,) chart(table) buckets(1)
Time Series -
Omitting the 'buckets(1)' term will apply the analytic function and group against the time bucket for that search. Eg -* | _type.equals(Unx-CPU) CpuUtilPct.max() CpuUtilPct.avg() CpuUtilPct.min() chart(table)
Column Titles - You can use custom titles for your table by providing a custom title as a second parameter e.g
Annotating Data - It is possible to provide descriptions to annotate chart.
HeatMaps - Table values can be heatmapped. See Heatmap for more details.