A Forwarder will stream its log data to the Manager or an IndexStore in realtime. The Manager or IndexStore will index the data locally and prepare it for search and analysis. Add more hosts to your deployment using Forwarders.

Note: Do not use OpenJDK. Logscape may run but you may experience performance problems

Duration: Just under 5 minutes

Prerequisites: Make sure that you have Oracle Java 7 and above and that Java is accessible from your path

  1. Download Logscape-2.0.zip and unzip

  2. Navigate to your Logscape installation and inside the scripts folder, type:

  3. A prompt will appear to configure your installation. Choose option 3) for a Forwarder

  4. Next you will be asked for the address/hostname of your Manager. A quick test is executed to check the connectivity between your Indexer and the Manager.

  5. After you have finished configuring navigate back to the Logscape home directory and type the command below to start the Manager

    logscape $> ./logscape.sh start
  6. Login as sysadmin or admin and check if the Forwarder appears in the agent list on the Agents page