Securing Endpoints

The Agents and the Manager can be secured by enabling endpoint security feature on each agent. This feature is disabled by default. To enable, edit the and add the following system property:
This property needs to be on the Mangers and any Forwarder or IndexStore that wants to participate in the Logscape deployment.

Host Based Authorization

Host Filter

An explicit list of hosts that are allowed to join the deployment can be configured. The following system property


is set to a regular expression that matches a valid set of Agents. If the host.filter can not match all the agents in an environment a hosts file can be used instead.

Hosts File

The host file contains a list of address patterns. Each patterns should be on a new line. The file is located at


An example of patterns used to match a range of hosts.


Authority Tokens

The authority tokens are used to mutually authenticate the Manager with an Agent and vice-versa. When endpoint security is enabled this happens by default , using a default token. Agents that do not belong to your deployment could potentially join the environment. The following properties are used to override the default authentication tokens.


Both these properties need to be in the for the security handshake to be successful. The Auth Tokens are encrypted and then exchanged using the public keys on the Agent.

Public and Private Key Locations

To set up public key encryption in Logscape perform the following steps.

  • Generate your private and public keys. You can use the java keytool or openssl to interact with non java keystore (JKS)
  • Decide whether to store the keys in a file ( e.g public.key and private.pem) or in the JKS.
  • Distribute the public keys to the IndexStores and Forwarders. On the Forwarders and indexstores copy the public.key and the private.pem into the ssl folder or use the keytool to add to the JKS
Overriding System Defaults

The keys,locations and key aliases that Logscsape uses for encryption and authentication can be overridden in the They keys can be stored in the Java Keystore or externally.

Key Store Location
Default Location of the keystore is
To override the keystore location use the following system property
Key Store Password
The default keystore pass can be overwritten with using a system property
Key Alias
The default keystore alias is '1'. If you use a different alias in your keystore update the following system property to override the defaults
Private Key
The default file for the private key is
The location of the private key can be configured in the
Private Key
The default file for the public key is
The location of the public key can be configured in the