Single threaded benchmarking takes 2 profiles. Search page and Workspace oriented execution. When a Search is executed from the Search page it builds the facets stats to support adhoc analysis; it also streams a large set of events to the JettyWebServer. All the extra work yields about a 40% overhead, and we were seeing about 80k events per second for a single thread (30-40 discovered fields). The Workspace execution plan yields 120k per second, per thread.
The execution plan follows these steps:
1. Identify log files in the selected time period and meet the system field criteria (i.e. _agent, _type, _tag etc)
2. Select the time-series buckets associated with each resource
3. Scan the time-series buckets and build data-type patterns, synthetics and discovered fields for each event. (Using indexed fields is much faster that synthetics – 3.03 enhancement)
4. Aggregate and pump data using map-reduce execution of the functions(avg, count etc) (3.03)
5. Jetty Aggregate the incoming streams and drive the interface using websockets
6. Websocket events then send status messages, notification of replay-events (3.03), facets and updated histogram data.
Note I: 3.03 – marks where performance improvements were made.
Note II: A single thread processing 100,000 events is sustainable, 16 threads should process an equivalent of 1,600,000 events per second (in theory). Scalability depends upon I/O subsystem performance relating to disk-io, os-buffers and network.
Note III: Logfile processing is carried out with 1-thread per request.
Important:Before upgrading remember to: 1) backup your config, 2) backup the downloads and space folders (in case of reversion). 3) make sure all agents are online!
Release notes:1. Fix summation problem where only the first event was evaluated 2. Further performance improvements on search performance and UI interaction 3. Ability to index any field; discovered or synth (yields faster performance and requires reindexing) 4. Improved data types page for debugging and benchmarking 5. Datasources now use natural keys instead of UUIDs. This should combat DS duplication when importing.exporting. Note: ids only generated on new DS’s being saved 6. You can set the in ( sets it to work/tmp by default. The directory is cleared on rebooting logscape. When upgrading you will need to perform this operation manually. 7. Networking now uses faster lz4 compression. This will make offline agents break if not updated! 8. Geo-maps now use a chloropleth palette 9. Workspace linking now forces correct filtering when driven via URL clicks 10. Fixed random hs_err crashing caused by ChronicleQ fixed 11. Search page chain.button now saves state and auto-runs search when auto-run is enabled 12. Rickshaw charts now format numbers with ‘,’ on mouse-over 13. Syslog no longer prints to stdout